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The Ridenour ATG Universal Reed Finishing System is the world's easiest to learn, easiest to use, most effective and largest selling reed finishing system, bar none!


The ATG system for finishing clarinet and saxophone reeds is the worlds largest selling reed finishing method for one reason online: it really works!


The sales of the ATG system have been generated by those who use the method telling others about how amazing the finishing method is, not through a large and costly advertising campaign. 


It's just human nature: when you come across something good - something that works so well and so easily, saves you so much time and money and gives you great reeds on demand - you just can't help but share it with your friends.


Besides being unbelievably effective and easy to use the ATG system is also one of the most inexpensive methods for working on reeds. And we've made it even more inexpensive by developing a package that includes only the finishing tools. In this way teachers can teach their students the method and the students can learn to use the system for the modest cost of the finishing tools only!


Endorsements for the ATG System

Ridenour Clarinet Products is famous, some would say "infamous", for not paying for endoresements. Below are some of the remarks about the ATG system from some of the finest clarinetists in the world. Their commets were unsolicited and no exchange of money or products were given as recompense. Their words may be encouraging, but there is nothing like learning to use the ATG system and never have to worry about having great reeds for practice and performance ever again. 


Join the thousands that now use the ATG system and become a happy reed player who is happy with your reeds. With the ATG system we guarantee you'll say goodbye to reed problems FOREVER!


"Tom's new method for finishing reeds is fantastic. Every clarinetist and saxophonist ought to own and use it. Besides it being effective and easy to use, it's a real bargain. The systm will pay for itself the first week of use. I'm recommending it to all my students!"

Eddie Daniels

World Renowned Jazz and Classical Clarinetist,

Concert and Recording Artist


"Tom Ridenour's Universal STG Single-Reed Finishing System is a marvel of simplicity and intuitive understanding. The approach to diagnosing and fixing reed inbalances is presented in a logical series of steps that demystify the whole reed adjustment process. All single reed players, at any level of expertise, will be amazed by the improvements in tone and response they can achieve through the ATG system."

Howard Klug

Professor of Clarinet, Chair, Woodwind Department

School of Music, Indiana University


"It has been a long time (6 years) since I was in the USA, met my friend Howard Klug, my teacher, Alfred Prinz, and a few other very well known clarinetists. Back then I got to know your name from Howard, conencted with the ATG Reed finishing system. Since then I take 75% less time for balancing reeds, because your book and device helped me understand many important things about the reed better."

Reinhart Wieser

Principal Clarinet, Vienna Symphon Orchestra

ATG Reed Finishing System

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the items you're ordering, please reach out to us by email ( or by phone at 1(888)258-7845. If you're outside of the U.S., please call (469)394-3245.

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1-888-258-7845 (AKUSTIK)

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